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In reflection I can determine that aims 2 and 3 were effectively completed as a collection of co-designed sensory objects were successfully created and will be installed into a sensory room. Also I have been able to gain positive verbal and written feedback from the children and teachers and have observed a positive impact as a participatory action research (PAR) was successfully implemented in giving marginalised individuals a voice in design processes.

Also, if I were to conduct this study again I would make some alterations such as; I would ensure more time was scheduled when working with external participants as this proved to be difficult when collecting consent and assent forms etc. I would also use a smaller group of participants as this would allow for more 1-1 based discussions and effectively allow me to give more assistance when needed. I would also simplify information sheets and online surveys etc in the event of participants, parents/guardians having literacy difficulties.


Phase 2 of the study will hopefully commence soon where I will install the sensory room at Crosby High School and observe the children within the room to obtain further feedback. From this I will write a report on the study, in hopes of impacting the wider community and influence the approach of co-design when creating sensory rooms.

Through conducting this study I can determine that current literature on co-design approaches can be applied when co-designing multi-sensory environments, such as Codesign with children: The state of the Art (Melonio and Gennari,2012) as this gave the children a sense of ownership and empowerment, and ensured that they was not overlooked in the design process. This study also confirmed the success of literature such as A designer’s approach: how can autistic adults with learning disabilities be involved in the design process? (Gaudion et al,2014) as it ensured the end-user was at the forefront of decision making and design processes and, also included the participation of parents/guardians, ensuring that the children's sensory needs were made clear prior to the study. 

The success of aims 2 and 3 of the study have influenced me in wanting to create a small business to sell co-designed sensory toys online. Similar approaches from the study will be applied to this as a discussion or questionnaire will be completed prior to the design and the customer will be given the chance to design their own personalised sensory object which I will then create. I will be ensuring that low-cost, recycled and craft-based materials are used, to create an affordable and more inviting business.

This study has also influenced me to apply for a VC Scholarship at LJMU were I hope to continue to implement the approach of co-design when creating multi-sensory environments. However to expand this I propose to explore the effectiveness of co-design when working with neurodivergent adults within higher education to create a multi-sensory environment.

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